It's always good to start from the beginning, as that is the only way to understand why I am where I am today. Thanks should be given to God, who showed me Lexi, perhaps an hour before I left to never come back to Las Vegas. I can't say it was chance, nor anything less than what God intended. I love her, have since I started talking to her. My mother always told me that there was a girl out there for me, and it so happened that there is.
She doesn't like to believe me when I say that she is the only woman for me, but I do. From the moment I laid my eyes on her, and the moment I realized that it was 0300 and we still weren't finished talking. The times we finish each others sentences, or read each others minds. I know my past is painful to think about for her, but I continue to hold true to that promise to her that she would be my last.
I promised her from the beginning that I would be the one who stayed, and I continue to stay. I love her, head to toe. From all of her quirks and her wonderful qualities. I knew from the first day that I wanted to be hers. Always and forever. Now I am hers, and she is mine, and through all that we have been through during the short time we have been together, I feel the same.
I pray that God continues to bless us, and that we can have many years together. I know I wouldn't want to spend them with anyone else.