Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Shadow of Mine

Life is a series of experiences, each experience a separate and distinct moment in time. In order to fully enjoy life, we have to make the best of the moments we have. Do we know the best when those moments arrive? No, not always. I do not always enjoy remembering these moments, memories are often my greatest enemies. Trusting myself to always make the right move has always been difficult, because I often don't know what the right move may be. I see what is there, know in my mind how to get there, but question every step I take getting there. This isn't about doing what's right, its about not leaving a wake of broken hearts and bad memories behind.

They say you can't please everybody and it's true. The sad thing is that I would like to please everybody. Having everyone that meets me enjoy my company. Troubling thing is people don't often tell you when you aren't welcome, or when you've gotten on their nerves. They tend to smile and hide it until your gone, then complain about your presence. I am guilty of this, I'll be honest, there are people I find very difficult to be around for extended periods of time. That does not make it okay, it just makes it human nature. If it is human nature to judge, it must be human nature to assume. Assumptions lead to awkward moments and injured pride, judgment leads to condemnation.

Yet even so, it is natural to both assume and judge, regardless of the effect it has on others. I've judged some of my lady friends relationships badly because I thought I would be better with them. Honest to God, I've had the privilege of knowing girls so out of my league I wasn't sure what to say, and even when saying something often coming out nothing but dribble. I'm not proud of my terrible social graces or rock wall social skills, only proud that I could know such beautiful women. The point of this tangent is that we don't always judge others, and judge ourselves more harshly than we should.

Another question:
Would you be able to make a friend and trust them with your life without ever seeing them?


  1. I totally agree with the what you said about us judging ourselves more harshly than we should. We are our own worst enemy. We talk ourselves out of doing and trying things out of fear, we lack confidence because we think others have more potential then ourselves and this list goes on and on....... God is pleased with what He has created and we tear it down with ugly thoughts and actions. Our social graces and skills are only learned behaviors. We can learn anything at any time we want. So, the question I pose is, do we stay the same or learn what is necessary to become better people for the task at hand? We have to learn or unlearn all sorts of things. Like how to manage a budget, keep a schedule, be on time, pay our tithe, do our laundry, to speak in front of people, the list can go on and on again. This is what life is all about!! To learn who we are and how we want to be. If we were stuck with whatever life gave us and couldn't change it, this would be tragic. Our world would be a terrible place. I thank God that it is not so!!

  2. Yay! it did work. It's D. Luckily no one is perfect, it's our "flaws" that give us character. While not wanting to play up such flaws as rudeness or laziness, go with your positive ones. If you are shy, some girls find that endearing. Not all women are looking for Mr. Macho. On the same token, don't be the "best friend" or "buddy" to every girl you meet. If you like someone, let them know it in your own unique, non-creepy/stalker way.

    Don't look back on lost moments with regret. They are learning experiences that will help later.

  3. when i read this i thought about when i was younger, everyday i lived knowing that someone/ everyone would judge me on what i did or even looked like on any certain day. being judged by others can ruin a good person, man or women.

  4. Very true, but it's how we take that judgement that matters, how we deal with it. It can ruin a good person, but it doesn't have to. Usually it can be ignored, and if not ignored, perhaps just re-focused.
