A few days ago I ran fourteen miles along a trail through the woods south of Lacey, Washington. We arrived much like Soldiers do, before the sun decided it was time to shine. In the darkness I ran, I had never been there before, and so had no clue as to where I was actually going or what it looked like. As I went, the moonlit shadows of the trees danced around me, and in front of me was nothing but darkness. I kept going, as if fearing no creature of the dark or false step.
As time passed I realized the darkness was being pushed away, the shadows that once danced around me, doing their utmost to frighten me, were beginning to give me shade instead. The path that lay ahead was no longer shrouded in the inky black, but instead illuminated by the light. Instead of the dark shapes that had been silhouetted by the moon, I saw a beautiful forest revealed before my eyes. Nature has a way of playing with our minds and testing us.
I saw this as an opportunity for a metaphor. That is just how my mind works, and the metaphor, if it is not apparent yet, was for life. People today often run blindly into the night without thinking a lot, then they look around them, see the shadows dance, the menacing shapes towering over them, and the black of night in front of them. That is not the point to stop though, that is the point we have to
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