Friday, April 22, 2011


Having just recently watched The King's Speech and The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader I feel there are a few things there needs to be said about perseverance. It is an outstanding quality of character, and often leads to grand results. In addition to that, perseverance is the after affect of courage. It takes courage to jump out of an airplane skydiving, but it takes perseverance to do it more than once. We face challenges every day, each one fitted to our experiences.  The important thing is rising to that challenge, people notice when you handle challenges and challenge yourself.

I have difficulty with challenging myself sometimes, especially if it seems to me like it's an impossible task. Of my many flaws, it is part of the more serious ones. As us men like to quantify things, I have categorized my flaws in terms of severity. That, however, is not interesting enough to list  here on this post. In fact, these posts have mostly been about how crappy I feel about myself, which is silly, because I have to accept who I am. It seems so much better to be accepted for who I am rather than who they want me to be. Sometimes I forget that, "An open mind is like a fortress, with it's gates unbarred and unguarded."  Too many bad things get in without resistance.

The strength of character is measured by the individual in the performance of every day, because that is the best test of character, how we perform daily, not just when it counts. I get so carried away with monotony of work, video games, information, and various other factors that I forget what is important in life. God, family, friends, country, then everything else. I am a man of faith, but my faith is not always focused in the right directions. It has been too long since I sat in a house of God, and it makes me sad that I have not maintained a solid relationship with my Lord and Savior.

So this coming Easter Sunday I have in mind to do what I can with what  I have, because I need to.I call on you, dear reader, to help me in this endeavor. Sunday morning, send an Easter message to your friends and family, via Facebook(tm) or whatever communication device you can, nothing fancy, just a "Happy Easter" if you like. Without further adieu, I bid you goodnight, Happy Easter, and God bless us, everyone.


  1. Good post, Than. I, too, find it easy to get swept up in the monotony of life and lose track of what is important. At Easter especially, since it is so Americanized and commercialized. Are you going to an Easter service? Whether you find one to attend or not, I hope your day is wonderfully reflective. Love you, brother, and Happy Early Easter.

  2. I am very proud of you for all your reflecting. It is so important for us to be honest with ourselves. I love you so very much!! Happy Easter!

  3. Wondering how it is for you son. I know when I was in the navy and away from home, it was very hard to reflect on such things, let alone attend church. As always, your personal reflections on such things shows me how much more of a man you are at your age than I was. Very proud of you.
