Wednesday, April 27, 2011

That All Too Familiar Feeling

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and perhaps I travel with rose colored glasses, because I see it everywhere. It is so under appreciated, the value of observation, though we use it constantly. We notice so much without even thinking, body language and the like. It surprises me sometimes when I realize how far it goes. Even the location of your thumb when you have your hands in your pockets can indicate different things. It is incredible the minute details we find and interpret automatically.

My point is this: It doesn't matter. What matters is that you behave according to who you are, not what they want you to be. Life isn't about proving you are someone, it's about showing the world who you are. It's too short to go around pretending to be something you aren't. I see it a lot, and I've been guilty of it. However, I've come to realize it's pointless, you can't avoid who you are, it's always there, in your shadow, following you wherever you go.

Sounds creepy, and it is, always will be until you take off the mask and reveal the real you. Because in all honesty, the real you is the best. If I only ever did the things that made me comfortable, I probably wouldn't do much, because it's when I'm out of the comfort zone I can have more fun, and experience the new. I would never have been able to say I've slept in a hotel tub if I had stayed in my comfort zone, or said I'd carried a passed out drunk into housing so we wouldn't get into trouble.

Life experiences are important, not just for the stories they tell, but for the knowledge that they bring. It is an honor and a privilege to know the people I have known, for the experience they have given me so far. My life goes on, and I hope many more stories and experiences will come out of it. I'm tired of "What if's" in my path, because it makes things so complicated. Sometimes it's good to question the logic of things, but not everything. All too often I have stopped myself because I wonder about the end result, but where is the fun in that? 


  1. It is so true that we wear masks, and most disturbing to me, this is something I've thought about many times in my life, we wear that mask around the very places we shouldn't. Around people who really don't matter as much, we drop the mask, but at places like church, family, etc... many times is where we wear it. I do have to say though, there are times to say 'what if' and times to not. To say 'what if' when the sign says danger, keep out, is a good time to ask what if! I can't imagine where I'd be if I hadnt asked that question sometimes! Gutter? Dead? Divorced?

  2. Life can be full of great experiences that give you a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment. Like hang gliding, sky diving, deep sea diving, rock climbing and the list goes on. But, there are the one that we need to say "what if" so that we don't wind up with a list of regrets and physical pain that trails us the rest of our life. It is what I would call healthy life choices and then there is unhealthy life choices. We all have to choose how to live them. Sometimes I have wondered if we put on masks to make us fit in better with people even though that is not truly who I am. I also find that there is an appropriate way in which we live. Meaning you don't act the same in every situation because of who you maybe with or where you are. In that case it isn't a mask it is respect for yourself or for someone else you wish not offend. All I have to say is life is soooooooo complex with many joys and sorrows. Some you choose and some you don't!! I love you, son!
