Monday, June 27, 2011

Travel Logs Part II

These are the final days of my time in Fort Jackson, South Carolina. Some things I can not describe, and others I should not describe. These were days of strange decisions and wonderful people. I had come to Fort Jackson with a mind to not make friends or really do anything. That changed when I met those four women, who would go on to make it a life long memory of mine. I thank each of them for their part, and hope that I impacted them too.

More than that, I saw the Miss South Carolina contest, and visited North Carolina for a while. The biggest thing that I took out of every experience was that I would have missed the chances of a lifetime. To enjoy the company of amazing people from very different backgrounds and never forget the times we shared. I salute you, dear friends, for making this trip one of the best I have ever had.

So I graduated on the Commandants List, one of two. This means that I was recognized as one of the highest grade point averages. I suppose I have a natural affinity for Postal Operations. In any case, this is the final part of my travels in South Carolina, thank you everyone I met along the way.

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